Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Some wounds can be trusted

Do you remember the toy, "Stretch Armstrong?" He was an action figure toy with arms and legs that were meant for yanking on, yet he had some sort of stretchy slime inside of him that would allow his extremities to expand way beyond recognition. Then once left alone for a time, he would eventually return back to his original shape...ultimately to be picked up once again and stretched...over and over. That was basically the point and the purpose of this child's toy.

Lately, it feels like I can relate. And for me, being stretch isn't nearly as fun as this toy makes it look!! It's painful and hard...especially when the stretching involves something you really don't want to do...

Like confronting a friend. Figuring out how to lovingly speak a truth, especially when you know it is a truth that will most likely wound another to the point that they no longer consider you to be a friend. It's something I felt I needed to do, yet every part of my humanness fought against it. Some people thrive on conflict. Not me, I try to avoid it at all costs.

Here I was, trapped between a rock and a hard space. On the one side I felt pressure to tell this person all the things they wanted to hear because that way they wouldn't be upset with me...or disown me as a friend...or worst of all...hate me.

Yet on the other side, there was an equal amount of pressure (that I believe was conviction from the Lord) constantly nudging me to do this unpleasant thing.

For weeks I wrestled with it. What to do, what to do? Do I risk loosing the friendship and obey the Lord or do I keep the friend and ignore God? I wish I could say it was an easy decision--but it wasn't.

It took a while to muster up enough courage to obey the Lord and confront this friend but...I finally did it. And while I know without a doubt that I did the right thing--still, knowing that my words have wounded another has been a bitter pill to swallow.

Then this morning, God woke me from my restless sleep with these verses from Proverbs 27:5-7

*"Better is open rebuke than hidden love."

*"Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses"

*"He who is full loathes honey, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet."

It was the reminder I needed. Doing the right thing isn't always easy...but following God is always right.

And as painful as the wounds of a friend can be, God can and will use them to grow and stretch us...if we let Him. When our hearts are contrite, our spirit is humble, and we are hungry for more of our Lord...that He can take that bitter thing and miraculously turn it into sweetness in our lives.

And at the end of all this--that is my sincere hope and prayer for you...my wounded friend.


  1. Good morning, glad to see you back. :)
    Your words made me think of Isaiah 66:2.
    Love you and be blessed.

  2. Thanks for sharing this verse Julie!

    "Has not my hand made all these things,
    and so they came into being?"
    declares the LORD.
    "This is the one I esteem:
    he who is humble and contrite in spirit,
    and trembles at my word." -Isaiah 66:2

  3. Awesome Kim!! Please write more- you are so inspiring... Love you!!

  4. Hi Kim,
    amazing that you wrote this and this is something I am avoiding doing myself. It is a difficult thing to do. Thanks for setting a good example.
